Sunday, March 19, 2006

"We are forced to see the sun rise in order to get our training in"

Striving for change, transformation and metamorphosis, we all set out on our personal quests to achieve a new state of reality for ourselves. This is what ironman can be about... Not just a self-inflicted process of pain and sacrifice, but a real vehicle to achieve higher callings...

This is the message brought to us by Andy Everson in his print "Flight", a limited edition artwork commissioned for the IronCops for Cancer program. On Friday night we were part of a fundraising event at the Inuit Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver where this print was unveiled.

Many thoughts are brought to mind from this message. I have to say I have been lamenting on it for the past few days, realizing that my own inspiration comes not from the desire to accomplish a time goal, or even to finish. I think my inspiration comes from the desire to see what I become as a result of the effort and dedication I put into this. Transforming from a dormant "mortal" into an athletic machine capable of this quest, it means more about overcoming obstacles, feelings of inadequacy, failure, disappointment, and moving forward towards becoming re-newed again...

In many ways, I already feel as though I have transformed. I am not the same person I was four years ago when I first attempted the Ironman. I've faced the reality of having to say "I can't" because of an injury setback. The heart-ache of realizing such a "failure" had affected me in so many ways that I didn't imagine. Only looking back at that time can I really see how every setback, every heartbreak along the way has become part of my inspiration. Facing personal issues with family illnesses at the same time, I put all of that into every workout. Especially my bike rides, where gliding peacefully along the road I can bring all my frustrations and put them in front of me as I ride effortlessly past them, bidding them a fond farewell and looking forward to the next challenge.

"Flight" has reminded me to soar above life's drama so that I can see what thoughts lead to greater purpose and what thoughts lead to dead ends. All these paths become very simple when you can see the finish line from above, instead of trying to guess how far you have to go still.

Happy Training! (to see the print!)

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