Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who is picking up the tab???

As I get the opportunity to work from home today, I decided to give all my "triathlon gear" a little bath. So, I am washing all my bike shorts, running clothes, etc. I know, this is absolutely spell-binding, page turning material to put in a blog, but the point I'd like to make is:

I have ENOUGH clothing!

And yet, I'm going through it all like moths... My swim shorts are already wearing out (fair warning given to anybody who swims with me before I get a new pair), my running gear is shrinking by the day (or I am "expanding") due to washing, washing and more washing... I know that you are supposed to hang dry this stuff but I just don't have time and, thus, it's all shrinking. Again, I will blame the laundry procedure rather than too many donuts.

So, combine that with a need for new bike shoes, new bike helmut, bike tuning and equipment, running shoes, etc. and a dreamy desire of a new bike, and you're looking at someone who is about to take consumerism to a whole new level... But out of necessity (REALLY!). Truth be told, Ironman costs money. Some might say upwards of $10,000 for the year. It sounds ridiculous, but when you factor in travel, hotel costs, entry fees, Power Bar and E-load purchases, coaching, swim lessons, new runners, clothing, etc.... That's what it comes to. And I am NOT even thinking about the new bike right now!

Here is a breakdown of my projected costs for the year:

Entry fee: $575
Entry fee for 2 half Ironman races: $175 each ($350)
Bike maintenance: $1,000
Bike shoes and helmut: $250-300
Running shoes: $500 (3 pairs at least)
Swimsuit: $50
Coaching: $1,200
Travel & accommodation for all races: $2000
Nutrition: $600
Massage: $1000 (for the year)

TOTAL: approximately $7,500

That's what I KNOW of... Without the new bike idea (which, in retrospect, looks like just lunacy right now).

Ironman need Iron Credit Card!

Gotta go put the clothes in the dryer :)!


Vince Hemingson said...

Hey Anthony, I ripped off your Blog today! Hugh, Luisa, Patrick, Justin, Jo, Stacey and I had this very conversation last night! It was like you were there in spirit... You weren't under the table were you?

Cheers, Vince

Anthony Epp said...

Vince, I am everywhere in spirit! You thought running was getting pricey? Wait'll you get into this game.

Maybe I have to come out for dinner more often so I don't post repetitive stories ;)!