Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Time for some "Ommmmmm....."


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness... Know what that is?

Scientifically, DOMS results from microscopic muscle fiber tears during extra strenuous exercise. Most people who start an exercise program for the first time experience this effect and it usually lasts about three days or so.

Basically, it's a signal that the activity you just performed is beyond your training level at this point. And, the reason I bring it up, is that I am on Day Three after the marathon and my legs are still in some pain.

I was hoping to be back up and going by yesterday, but I could still barely walk up and down stairs and, today, my quads are still quite tired and my hip flexors are sore.

Generally, DOMS will last about 3-7 days, and stretching, low-impact activity and massage are suggested treatments. I am not panicking, but I am at the point now where I am not training, and that has me a little anxious again. I really don't have the time to sit around and spend a month recovering, as I would normally do after a marathon.

I tried to spin on the trainer last night and had to stop after about ten minutes. I have asked my coach to help me figure out some times to start going to yoga again. We both agree that this is a sign that I: a) pushed too hard on Sunday and b) am not stretching enough. Yoga should help stretch me out a little more and help me handle the next stretch of training, where I'll be doing 140k+rides on most weekends, and more long runs. I am going to aim for 2-3 yoga sessions each week. And, truthfully, the last time I was on a regular routine for yoga, I managed to knock 16 minutes off my personal best for a marathon, so I can't argue with the results. This year, the stakes are getting higher.

Well, I wanted to know what I would learn from the marathon...

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