Friday, September 08, 2006

First order of business... get outta town!

For my first order of post-Ironman recovery and re-energizing, I am taking off for the weekend for a little R&R. My Dad and I, and some of our other cousins and uncles, are heading up to the interior for a little fishing. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to escape for a couple of nights and just relax. It will be the first 3 day holiday from exercise in a long time, and my hope is that it recharges me. I'll be able to do some non-Ironman contemplation and reflection...

Next week, the Vancouver Dolphins starts up again and I am seriously considering joining up with them for 5:30am swims on Tuesday and Thursday. Since I have to work at 7am anyway, this makes a lot more sense than it used to. This is a plan, at least... We'll see how practical it becomes!

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