Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ode to a forgotten blog

Oh blog, how have you been?
It's me, your forgotten muse.
I come to you now,
at the turn of the year,
to begin again,
to tell a tale once more.

Okay so it doesn't rhyme but I needed something to get going again. I figure it's January 2nd and I'm back for another crack at the Ironman for 2008. It was a tough year, with school getting in the way of most, if not all, of my training. Well, that's an excuse more than anything. Truth is that I needed to dedicate myself to year 1 and it was difficult to step back and think of other things.

Needless to say, 15 pounds heavier, a lot less fit, and a little hungry to get the move on for 2008. I've been good this holiday season, though, having really forgone drinking and desserts to the excess. And I have managed to exercise almost every day since I finished school for the year in December. That's about 3 weeks almost.

I begin my new program on Monday (school) and so setting myself up for the season has been priority high for the month of December and now January. I have yet to figure out how this will all play together, but this year I have some training partners for Ironman, which should make life a little simpler. Rachel and Penny are both ironman bound (well, Rachel is 1/2 Ironman bound but her race is in June in Switzerland somewhere and Penny is doing the Ironman in England). So, that's two motivating friends to get my butt out on a Saturday morning for a ride regardless of the weather.

And I have renewed a desire to run marathons, and I will partake of Vancouver in May again, using it as a springboard to the summer triathlon season.

With school in mind, I realize that the road ahead is not easy, but then again it never really is supposed to be.

I did try some new things this past November and December, namely track cycling. I am hoping to find time in my schedule for a once/week trip to the Velodrome to get a good cycling workout in. It's such a huge rush.

For now, it's time to start the year right, and so tonight I hit a 10k run with the folks at RR Denman. A nice, clear night and warmer than anticipated. Tomorrow I will go for a swim and maybe a short jog.

Happy New Year (really I am writing this to myself as all my loyal listeners have left)...


1 comment:

Travis said...

Hey have you quit blogging, or did you move to a new address.