Saturday, June 28, 2014

Where do I start? I'm doing the Squamish Triathlon in 1 week. It's the sprint distance of 750m swim, 18k bike and 5k run, so I have not been too concerned with the race distance as I can perform all those without too much problem. My issue now? A goal. I'm so focused on making a movie about triathletes that it is inspiring me to do more with my own training, but I can't seem to get into the groove of regular training. I feel like I'm starting then stopping, and for no other reason than I am just not finding a formula for myself that works. This sprint tri has been a good starting point, though. It's manageable enough that it has forced me to SBR a little. But I feel the call of the unattainable again. The "you should do Ironman again" voice in my head... My "unsatisfied passenger" who makes me want something more from all this. Where do I start? What do you do?

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