Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hmm, and the search begins... for a new bike...

I have the bug, admittedly. I've chatted to way too many bike folks about bikes lately and, now, I have caught that illness...

Triathlete's get this every once and a while, and I don't know if it is really the need for a new bike, but just the need for something to get excited about in training. We are the few folk who put our bikes in our bedrooms to store them, as if it is some kind of art work we like to wake up to. Ah, look, my bike ;)!

Honestly, this feels like the worshipping of a false God. I mean, really, does a new bike make me faster?

The answer, of course, logically, is no.

Yet, I am still out on the hunt. I'm not looking at the P3 Carbon or anything like that. I'm still a starving triathlete wanna-be...

Cost of Ironman just jumped a couple grand :)!


Anonymous said...

lol, bike in the bedroom, work of art, something to get you excited about training again........... yup, i can relate. funny but true post for many i'm sure.

Anthony Epp said...

I guess it's the one piece of equipment that looks okay in a clean room... After all, we don't put our running shoes up on display after we have just finished a run...