Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I changed a flat...

I know, by now I should know how to change a flat... but today it was made special by the fact that I did it with only one hand. For my next trick..........

Yes even the little things impress me right now.

But, in all seriousness, you have to be able to change your own tire, and I have been scared of riding by myself with my cast on because of this. Now, I'm not so scared, although it takes me about 20 minutes to get it done and it is not easy holding the bike and taking off wheels and the like with one hand.

All positives aside, my shoulder has been hurting all day today. I think the weight of the cast and having to keep it upright all the time is starting to get a little aggravating, and it's taking its toll on my left shoulder. I have to make some decisions about this, as I worry the running might be part of the problem.

Tomorrow I am off to Edmonton for the Lisa Bentley camp. I am excited to meet her and be able to ask questions, as well as to train with the team for a weekend. I truly have to say that one highlight of the year has been joining this Ironcops team. There are some great folks here and I hope to be involved again when they do this for the 2008 Ironman. Being part of something that makes a worthwhile contribution to cancer research has made the experience quit special. I haven't raised all the moneyI would like to yet, so hopefully I can round up another thousand dollars or so before the race itself. But even just being able to participate and be part of something big like this has been special enough.

It is one more solid week of training and then we begin to taper! I think I will be able to relax a little more at that point because I have been nervous about my training, admittedly, since the broken hand and just knowing I am SUPPOSED to reduce my training is somewhat comforting. Still, I have a big 180k ride on Saturday and a long 2-3 hour run on Sunday. That's not exactly taking things easy!

And I'm getting into this 10pm sleep time a little more... Ah the discipline of recovery!

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