Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Gear... check!

Slowly but surely I am accumulating my gear for the year and getting my setups taken care of. I have finished month #3 of my bike installments, and I'm heading out later to look at some bike shoes. I want to start practicing with them on my Cervelo during the winter on the trainer.

I've opted to add a couple of "essentials" to the plan right away. Having purchased the Cervelo in September I have not yet had it properly fitted, so I am heading over to Larry Zimich this weekend to do so. As a result, I figure it's time to get a new pair of bike shoes. I've had the same ratty old ones for 5 years now and they have holes in them. Coming from a running shoe environment I know that this is just asking for long-term trouble, but I have been reluctant as I've found that bike shoes are even more expensive than running shoes.

I also have the opportunity to go for a biomechanical assessment on my running this weekend. I had been reluctant at first but now I think it would be very beneficial as I now can spend the time building up my biomechanical issues through the winter.

I'm also on the lookout for experimenting with new sports drinks. I have tried the e-load for a couple of years but now I want to take a look and see what else is out there. I also want to find a proper recovery drink as the Running Room isn't carrying the Powerbar Protein Drink anymore.

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