Monday, February 26, 2007

Yesterday I played in the ocean...

No, seriously. Lenka called up a couple of days ago to suggest that we grab the wetsuits and go swimming at Kits beach... Great idea! Cast aside the winter and bring on the spring! I headed into Speed Theory on Saturday and wound up sharing this magical idea with a couple of the staff members... They commented on how absolutely crazy this idea seemed...

So, clearly they are just wimps, right?

Well, headstrong and full of mission, Lenka and I headed out to the ocean, stuck our feet in and WOAH!

It's friggin cold. No, I mean REALLY cold. 2nd thoughts, 2nd thoughts... But we both knew we couldn't leave it at that, so reluctantly we stuck our heads in the ocean and started swimming. My face was so cold I couldn't keep it in the water very long at all, and looked forward to each chance to breathe (which I did every stroke).

After a minute swimming out, we stopped, and Lenka came up with the voice of reason, "I don't think we should swim too long. It might be dangerous." All the encouragement I needed!

Swimming back to shore, I couldn't feel my feet or my hands, and my face wasn't getting used to the water at all.

After all that, it was agreed that we might try this again next week. Defying logic and common sense seem to be my mantra most of the time, but I will say that it is nice to do something that really shocks you into waking up. And it felt good to go for a short run afterwards...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys are crazy. i'd advise you to read my 'best ride ever' post on the club boards to see what a proper winter training workout consists of.